Quick facts


For the curious, adventurers, innovators, …


55 inspiring people from speakers to visitors.

Afternoon Event

21st of Sept 2019,
from 15:30 to 18:30.

7 Speakers

A diverse mix of great speakers

Experience Corners

A place to try things out and play.

Food & Drinks

Snacks and drinks,
organic of course.

With DigiZation, passionate speakers and spectators explored the sensation of digitalisation, the role of the youth, tools and organisations, and how they will all have to intertwine if we want to build a sustainable future together.

TEDx Salon events are small events that keep a TEDx community engaged between regular TEDx events. It’s a unique kind of gathering that TEDx organizers hold which allows the conversation to continue, in person.


Patricio Unter

Patricio Unter

United Nations Youth Delegate for Austria
Carina Zehetmaier

Carina Zehetmaier

Ambassador for Women in AI
Stephanie Cox

Stephanie Cox

Member of the Parliament
Albin Fejza

Albin Fejza

Youth Participation
Besian Zenku

Besian Zenku

Digitalisation in Architecture Enthusiast
Eunice & Susana

Eunice & Susana

Portuguese Poetry
Flamur Kasa

Flamur Kasa

Digital Youth Work


Engerthstraße 141
1020, Wien


Multi-disciplinary, young and passionate from different parts of the world.


Partnerships achieve the best results.

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Do you know anyone that fascinates you and has a great idea? Tell us about them and have them maybe speak at one of our events.


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